Ultra design Premium No.1
Wherever walls are designed with sophistication, there is a desire to keep them beautiful in the long term.
Due to its high durability and low sensitivity for markings, this premium finish of the highest wet abrasion class 1 is also particularly suitable for colored wall design.
For more information on Ultra design Premium No.1, see the video and here
Imotech-Silan Superperl and Perl-Silicat
Especially dirt-repellent weather protection coatings thanks to the Superperl effect (beading effect).
The best protection for facades is provided by paints with low water absorption and very good water vapor diffusion.
Superperl and Perl Silicate meet both criteria in the best class in each case:.
For further information see the video.
Raufa Ultra-Decker
Raufa Ultra-Decker is a flat one-coat paint with the highest hiding power and excellent flow. As a special feature, this one-coat paint is free of preservatives and is therefore ideal for all areas sensitive to indoor air hygiene - the ideal wall coating even for allergy sufferers.
The exceptional coverage of 9 m² per liter makes Raufa Ultra-Decker an outstanding and at the same time very economical paint.
Processing recommendation (rollers)
If a particularly fine structure of the paint is desired on smooth wall and nonwoven wall coverings, we recommend the IMPARAT paint roller Glatt & Vlies.
Raufa Ultra-Decker – THE preservative-free one-coat paint with ultra-high hiding power.
Housepaint C1 premium facade protection - the adhesion miracle for every surface!
All substrates - one paint!
A facade usually consists of a variety of different substrates. These usually have to be treated and designed with different coating materials. But what can be done if only one coating material is desired for all substrates?
HOUSEPAINT C1 is the ideal solution for this! Thanks to a special binder combination based on pure acrylate, Housepaint C1 has excellent adhesion on all usual exterior surfaces.
For further information see the video.
Housepaint C1 - the adhesion miracle for every surface!
Nano-Tiefgrund e.l.f.
The optimal deep primer for outdoors and indoors.
Ready-to-use, transparent drying 100 % pure acrylic deep primer for exterior and interior use with micro-dispergated nano-binder (acrylic hydrosol) from our own production.
Nano-Tiefgrund e.l.f. posseses a very high penetration depth and optimal solidification. Equalises the absorbency of differently absorbent substrates and solidifies plasters that sand on the surface. Also ideal for plasterboard and gypsum fiberboard.
For further information see the video.
Die seidenglänzende, wasserbasierte Premium-Hybrid Holzbeschichtung.
Ideal als deckende Holzbeschichtung zur farbigen Gestaltung und zum Schutz von maßhaltigen und bedingt maßhaltigen Holzbauteilen im AUSSENBEREICH.
Auch für die Beschichtung von Fallrohren aus Hart-PVC und Zinkblech geeignet. Die wesentlichen Produkteigenschaften
- hohe Wasserfestigkeit
- hochdeckend
- dauerelastisch
- fungizid und algizid ausgerüstet.
Erhältlich in 4 Standardfarbtönen (Weiß, Dunkelbraun, Grün, Schwarz). Tönbar über Ultra mix in über 25.000 Farbtönen.
Fassadencreme LF
Dauerhafter Schutz für das Mauerwerk mit Abperl-Effekt.
Fassadencreme LF ist eine silanbasierte, VOC-freie Imprägnierungscreme. Sie bietet einen umfassenden, dauerhaften Schutz für Mauerwerk und mineralische Untergründe wie Putz, Beton und Kalksandsteine gegen das Eindringen von Wasser bietet. Das optische Erscheinungsbild der Fassade bleibt dabei unverändert.
Die Produktvorteile von Fassadencreme LF:
- tropffreies Auftragen an senkrechten Flächen
- verlustfreier Auftrag in einem Arbeitsgang ohne Materialabfluss
- hohe Wirkstoffkonzentration
- extrem hohe Eindringtiefe
- nicht filmbildend
- erzeugt einen starken Wasser-Abperl-Effekt
Who we are
IMPARAT Farbwerk is an independent private business, run by its fourthgeneration of managing owners, Till Iversen.
We develop, produce and market architectural and industrial paints and binders as raw material for the paint production.
With 180 employees, 2 factories and 17 stores in Germany we achieve a turnover of 35 million Euros per year.
We care for our customers, consumers, the environment and each other.
IMPARAT – more than 100 years of experience in paint.
For further information see the video.